Transport not only concerns the movement of people, it also relates to the movement of goods so our consumption patterns are also closely linked with the issue of travel.
How often have you gone into a supermarket and come home with apples from New Zealand instead of fruit that was produced locally?
Every product that is not made or produced in your local area has to be transported from a farm or production site, to a factory or processors, to a distribution centre, to an airport, to another airport, to another distribution centre, to your local shop or supermarket. Think of the ‘food miles’ attached to something as simple as an apple! Have a look at the labels on your clothes and furniture to see where they come from. Often produce from far away is chosen for its ability to 'travel well' rather than for its taste! It is often picked when it is still unripe and artificially ripened along the many miles it has to travel to make it to our supermarkets. Road freight experienced the largest growth in transport energy use since 1990 increasing by 255%.
Would it be possible to source any of the products you use in your home from a local supplier?
When you are in the supermarket, try to buy the fruit and vegetables that have been grown in Ireland. You'd be surprised to see on display, strawberries from both Ireland and the USA; tomatoes from both Ireland and Spain, potatoes from both Israel and Ireland, etc. Buying the Irish food guarantees that the transport costs are lower, the food is likely to be fresher and have more flavour and your choice will help support home industries.